Online journalism

Definition of Electronic Journalism
Electronic journalism is issued and published on the World Wide Web or other information networks, whether it is a copy or an electronic version of a printed paper-based newspaper, whether it is a general or specialized newspaper, or an accurate recording of the paper-based version or summaries of the publication thereof as long as they are published regularly, i.e. their content is updated from day to day, from hour to hour, or from time to time, according to the possibilities of the issuer. It is also known as newspapers that are issued and published on the Internet, and in the form of newspapers printed on computer screens, covering the newspaper's pages, including articles, pictures, drawings, audio and video. In this article, research on electronic journalism will be mentioned

Electronic journalism can be defined as non-paper newspapers, which are periodically issued, published and used by computer, through the Internet and other digital communication networks. It is an effective means of communication, containing all mass communication processes, including: sender, receiver, and multimedia messages (pictures, moving pictures, audio videos, etc.), often to achieve a goal, at any distance, at any time, anywhere, away from the direct and indirect censorship scissors, and working in two directions so as to provide feedback, whether paper-copy newspapers, electronic newspapers with no paper versions, or electronic newspapers with non-copied paper versions

Editorial in electronic journalism
Electronic journalism has managed to revolutionize not only the quality of the journalistic material, and the speed of its reporting, but also the form and manner of editing of the news, through concentration and abbreviation, which are the two hallmarks of news on the Internet. The use of short sentences in writing the news is necessary because the Internet reader wants to finish reading quickly and does not have time for long sentences. It is not the meaning of abbreviation and concentration that the news does not provide details. On the contrary, it may give too many details on the Internet, and it has more to do with previous events than what is published in the printed newspaper, but this is done online through the bottom of the news, which is read by those who want more information. There is an importance for the existence of an objective picture.

With many pictures, one meaningful picture is placed, and the rest of the pictures are placed in a separate link, especially since the pictures take a long time to load. There is also the possibility of adding audio and video with the news to add a radio service, and sometimes live broadcasts of events such as satellite channels. The news website sets measures for the number of readers of each news item or topic separately. Through the reading meter, the journalist can learn the trends of its readers, and which news is read more. Thus, the newspaper's trends can be adjusted to suit its readers. Some news sites also measure public opinion and analyze it in a large number of issues through surveys, and they are done online immediately.

The Impact of Electronic Journalism on Paper Journalism
The future of print journalism and its impact on the emergence of electronic media. Although electronic media in the region did not develop in the same way that similar media in Western countries did, it is undeniable that its impact on the print press; Some media experts consider that in the current situation any media institution can speak of as a print institution and others as an electronic institution; Therefore, the media is one and can be published in more ways than one; Whether through electronic, television, radio, or print journalism, the primary goal is to improve the material, and whether it is print or electronic journalism, the material ultimately determines who is at the quality level.

So it's the paper material, the electronic material, that determines your identity and your message, that determines the level of the individual organization and the rest of the organization.

The goal is that if we have a material and we can't serve it on paper, we can go to other publishing channels, like we need a news item with a video demonstration, and if we need to consolidate the news, we can move it to the website; To attach the video to it, and at the end all of this has to do with our need, in the sense that the expansion of electronic media has to be equal to our need, our privacy and our media message, and that is why experts have reserved the topic of print journalism and electronic journalism in the sense of separation, as journalism is the same as journalism, but we are expanding, and there are areas for publishing; Whether it's electronic, or other.

Moreover, we are talking about influencing the print press. Institutions will not be affected if they try to be media organizations in the first place; Whether it's a print, electronic, print media organization, if it's successful on paper, it's going to work electronically, and an institution that ranges on paper is going to run electronically; Because it depends on the material, vision, and professional level of the people in charge of any institution.

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